2025 - Course on

Methods in tropical reefs monitoring

11st Reef Check course at Bangka Island

Bangka Island, north Sulawesi, Indonesia 6-13 September 2025

See scholarship opportunities below!

Reef Check Italia and Coral Eye organise an international field course on coral reefs monitoring approaches opened to both marine biology students and diver volunteers from around the world. The course, taught in English, aims to:

  • provide the basic knowledge for the identification of hard corals and their diseases
  • present an overview of the well-established coral reefs monitoring approaches
  • learn and apply different methods underwater, including Reef Check and Coral Watch protocols
  • contribute to the monitoring and conservation of the coral reefs at the Bangka outpost

Lectures and seminars will be alternated with day and night dives, as well as practical sessions. At the end of the course, it is expected that the participants demonstrate what they learned and discuss the results achieved. Participants will obtain the international tropical EcoDiver certification issued by the Reef Check Foundation.


Coral Eye (https://www.coral-eye.com) is a unique Boutique Resort on Bangka Island, North Sulawesi in Indonesia. Originally founded as an outpost for marine studies, today Coral Eye Bangka is a melting pot of passionate travellers, dive enthusiasts, underwater photographers, and marine biologists. Coral Eye was designed to place the guest at the centre of the space, creating a unique environment that favours socialisation and communication between people united by a common passion for the sea.
The project came to life in 2009, as four young marine biologists decided to pursue their dreams & passions and set up a marine outpost on Bangka Island, North Sulawesi - Indonesia, right in the heart of the Coral Triangle. The original idea was to create a co-working outpost where universities and students could exchange ideas and develop their projects on tropical marine environments. In 2013, following the construction of the diving centre and lots of hard work, Coral Eye opened its doors to tourism as an alternative to mix science with passion and love for the sea. Through the new concept we were able to finance environmental projects, offer scholarships to students and better support local communities.
In 2022 Coral Eye joins forces with the Siladen Resort and Spa to form a new partnership and elevate the resort to a new level of comfort for guests. While keeping the original community spirit of Coral Eye and the characteristics that have distinguished it from other resorts since its founding, the new partnership adds a touch of luxury with 7 new private beach view villas and an upgrade of the existing rooms and general guest services.

Who can participate?

Participation in the course is open to anyone who is passionate about coral reefs and has a minimum of diving experience and marine life knowledge. Participation of university students and young marine biologists is encouraged and supported through scholarships.


Although it is not required any scientific qualification, participants should be confident with the main groups of marine invertebrates and possibly have some experience in tropical dives. All participants must hold at least a 2nd level international dive certificate (allowing diving to 30 m depth), a minimum of documented 30 dives, a medical certificate allowing to safely dive (written in English, Italian or Bahasa Indonesia) and international dive insurance (e.g., DAN, DiveAssure, AquaMed). Each participant should carry his/her full diving equipment, except scuba tanks and weights, provided on-site. Equipment rental has to be arrange in advance with the Coral-Eye resort.


The number of participants is limited to 12, including 6 scholarship beneficiaries!

Course contents

This intensive course, at its 9th renewed edition, combines different aspects of coral reef conservation. It includes basic knowledge in corals identification and their diseases, the pollution risks and many approaches to coral reefs monitoring. In particular:

Reef Check Tropical EcoDiver Program

The Reef Check EcoDiver program allows anyone with an interest in the ocean to learn more about tropical coral reefs. Reef Check combines education with action to give volunteers a unique experience while taking an active role in conserving the world's reefs. The EcoDiver program allows participants the rare opportunity to work with teams of scientists throughout the world to combat the crises affecting our reefs today. The world's reefs are changing fast, and it is up to us to ensure that reefs are around for future generations. Using the globally standardised scientific protocol, the Reef Check EcoDiver program collects valuable data to establish the status of coral reefs world-wide. The data are analysed and used locally by marine park managers, nationally by fisheries and environment managers and internationally by organisations including United Nations agencies to help better track and care for coral reefs.
Become certified to conduct your Reef Check surveys and take an active role in conserving your favourite coral reefs. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to conduct full-scale Reef Check surveys. In this program, you will learn all about the globally standardised Reef Check methodology as well as how to identify key indicator fish, invertebrates and substrates selected by Reef Check for global monitoring and conservation of coral reefs! This course will allow you to join the Reef Check monitoring team and assist in underwater surveys around the world.

Methods include substrate, fish and invertebrate transects coupled with a socio-economic survey.
Materials: Reef Check EcoDiver Kit for Indo-Pacific, including data board.
Testing and Certification: PowerPoint ID test (80% to pass) and field ID test (90%) to obtain regional certification. Certification qualifies the holder to participate in Reef Check surveys in the region and to submit their data to the global database.


More info: http://reefcheck.org/ecodiver/about-ecodiver/

CoralWatch Protocol

CoralWatch is a citizen science project based at The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. CoralWatch helps non-scientists around the globe understand and support effective reef management by using engaging tools that provide people with accessible information and hands-on-experience collecting scientific data about the health of corals using the Coral Health Chart. This chart standardises changes in coral colours and provides a simple way for people to quantify coral health and contribute to the CoralWatch global database. The Coral Health Chart is used by dive centres, scientists, school groups, and tourists.


Materials: an underwater kit with Coral Health Chart and data board.

More info: http://www.coralwatch.org

Coral Finder Method

An underwater book to learn how identify hard corals and discover the huge species diversity in a coral reef. The answer to the question “What coral is that?” is in your head – literally. Your eyes and brain are the world’s most powerful supercomputer capable of solving complex visual problems instantly. Traditional field guides put text between you and the answer – and text needs to be interpreted. The Coral Finder reduces the problem of identifying corals to a series of simple visual choices. The Coral Finder makes coral identification practical and easy by using WYSIWYLF –
What You See Is What You Look For! Instead of memorising thousands of images and names in your head you just look up the shape and the Coral Finder gives you a simple matrix of best bets to choose from. Simple – just the way we like it. The Coral Finder creates a choice matrix for easy, at-a-glance decision making.

Materials: underwater book.

More info: http://www.byoguides.com/

Course fee and accomodation

Course fee

       € 300.00

- Reef Check Italia membership
- lectures
- teaching materials
- Reef Check Tropical EcoDiver certificate



Full board accommodation

   € 1'086.00

- 7 days full board accommodation in triple room
- 8 boat dives
- 2 jetty dives
- 1 jetty night dive
- House reef & mangrove snorkelling
- Local transfer from/to Manado city or airport and Bangka Island (*)




   € 1'386.00


Upgrade to a double room occupancy must be arranged by April 9, 2025 and is subject to availability. It cost  € 43.00 per person (Please note that upgrade to single room is not available).


Equipment rental has to be arrange in advance with the Coral-Eye resort and can be paid on site. Soft drinks/beers, additional excursions, dive equipment rental and any extras are not included and can be paid on site.

(*) Indicative schedule
transfer from Manado to Bangka, departure:

  • city hotels at 8.00
  • airport at 9.00

transfer from Banka to Manado, arrival:

  • airport at 14.00
  • city hotels 14:30


Please note that a longer stay at Bangka must be agreed with Coral Eye (reservations@coral-eye.com) well in advance.



Reef Check Italia offers 6 scholarships, € 600.00 each, to partially cover the accommodation costs to the most deserving undergraduate students and young (<28 yrs.) graduate biologists or naturalist based on their CV, including scholastic merits, diver qualifications and previous volunteer experiences.

Scholarships applications must be submitted by March 2, 2025 by filling the following application form. Scholarships selection results will be communicated by email and published on the website by March 10, 2025.


Scholarships winners must send all the required documents and paying the non-refundable course and deposit fee of € 300.00 to Reef Check Italia by March 30, 2025 either by PayPal or by bank transfer. The balance, € 486.00, is due by June 30, 2025.


In case of withdrawal, the scholarships will be assigned to the next one on the waiting list.

Scholarship ranking list


Scholarship ranking list is published here by March 10, 2025!



Rank First name Family name Nationality Fellowship status
1 Elliott Bates American Confirmation pending
2 Olivier Vlam Dutch Confirmed
3 Agus Rahman Eka Putra Abas Indonesian Withdrawn
4 Kathryn Christian American Confirmation pending
5 Ilgin Koc Turkish Confirmation pending
6 Giulia Pirovano Italian Confirmed
7 Elizabeth McEligot American Confirmed
8 Sara Cerri Italian Waiting list
9 Sara Tortora Italian Waiting list
10 Flavia Camillo Italian Waiting list
11 Francesca Nappo Italian Waiting list
12 Elena Manfredini Italian Waiting list
13 Bayan Kassar Lebanese Waiting list
14 Giulia Rondoni Italian Waiting list
15 Matilde Marzucchi Italian Waiting list
16 Adriana Cuccovillo Italian Waiting list
17 Andrea Rossi Italian Waiting list
18 Fulvia Melis Italian Waiting list
19 Sofia Ranaldi Italian Waiting list
20 Riccardo Barp Italian Waiting list
21 Irene Sibille Italian Waiting list

Scholarship recipients will have to confirm their participation by paying a non-refundable deposit of € 300,00 by March 30, 2025. The balance and any additional documents must be provided by June 30, 2025.


If not confirmed within the deadline, the scholarship will be assigned to the next person down the ranking.

Booking and confirmation

Based on first come first served and subject to availability, booking is possible from January 20, 2025 until June 30, 2025 by filling the following booking form, including the required attachments.

Places without scholarship sold out

Applicants will receive confirmation by email.

Confirmed participants (including scholarship holders)


# First name Family name Nationality
1 Rossella Stocco Italian
2 Edison Luiz Durigon Junior Brazilian
3 Olivier Vlam Dutch
4 Riccardo Barp Italian
5 Giulia Pirovano Italian
6 Francesca Nappo Italian
7 Flavia Camillo Italian
8 Andrea Rossi Italian
9 Elizabeth McEligot American
10 scholarship holder pending confirmation ...
11 scholarship holder pending confirmation ...
12 scholarship holder pending confirmation ...


All confirmed participants, including scholarship recipients, must pay to Reef Check Italia a non-refundable  deposit of € 300.00 by March 30, 2025, either by:

Credit Card

(+ € 5.86 PayPal fees apply)

or by

Bank transfer to:

Reef Check Italia

BPER Banca S.p.A.

IBAN: IT45V0538713312000042076506



Any bank charges must be borne by the customer


All confirmed participants, including scholarship recipients, will have to balance their fee to Reef Check Italia by June 30, 2025, as applicable:


Scholarship holder in triple room:             € 486.00 (+   € 9.26 PayPal fees)

Regular participant in triple room:         € 1'086.00 (+ € 20.26 PayPal fees)
Regular participant in double room (*): € 1'129.00 (+ € 21.05 PayPal fees)

(*) Choose this option only if availability is confirmed by the organization


either by:

Credit Card (PayPal fees apply)

Make your choice:

or by

Bank transfer to:

Reef Check Italia

BPER Banca S.p.A.

IBAN: IT45V0538713312000042076506


Transaction fees must be borne by the customer


Any bank charges must be borne by the customer


Teaching staff

Prof. Massimo Ponti, benthic ecologist at the University of Bologna

Massimo is a marine ecologist, associate professor, and Director of the MSc in Marine Biology at the University of Bologna (Italy), president of the Italian association of scientific divers, diving master instructor and vice-president of the Reef Check Italy no-profit association. His research experiences range from temperate to tropical benthic ecology, mainly focusing on species diversity, habitat-species interactions, human disturbances, global climate change, marine protected areas, and biodiversity conservation.


Dr. Gianfranco Rossi, marine biologist and Reef Check Tropical Trainer


Franco is graduated in Marine Biology with a thesis on "The involvement of Recreational Scuba divers in the Monitoring of Coastal Environment". Scuba Instructor. Author of the book "Corals - A guide to the identification of the main genera of coral reef builders of the Indo-Pacific Region" and founder of the "Coral Eye Museum" a collection of hard corals from Coral Triangle. He holds seminars on Scleractinians ID (Coral Reef Builders) at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy). He is also expert in coral killing sponges. He is member of the steering board Reef Check Italy no-profit association.


Dr. Eva Turicchia, benthic ecologist at University of Bologna and environmental educator


Eva is a benthic marine ecologist, junior researcher at the University of Bologna, Italy. She is a diving instructor and board member of both the Italian Association of Scientific Divers and the non-profit Reef Check Italy. His research experiences range from temperate to tropical benthic ecology, primarily focusing on marine biodiversity conservation, biotic indices, marine citizen science, and the effects of human disturbances and climate change at community and population levels. She deals with sustainable marine tourism, ecological shifts associated with the mass mortality events trigger by marine heat waves, bioconstruction/bioerosion processes in coralligenous habitats and the development of innovative approaches for studying and monitoring coastal marine habitats.


Dr. Marco Segre Reinach, marine biologist and CORAL EYE manager

Marco has a degree in marine biology and oceanography. He developed a direct knowledge of the marine environment while sailing and diving for many years around the world, as crew of regatta and cruises boats. In 2009 after three years around Indonesia, Marco joined up the team, managing the start- up of Coral Eye outpost and after many years he still here...


Preliminary schedule

1) Saturday



Participants arrivals (transport from Manado to Bangka)

Course presentation and organisation



Check dive1



Introduction to Reef Check method and Fish (Eva)

2) Sunday



Reef Check method (Fish) (Eva)




Fish identification (snorkelling) 1


Reef Check method (Invertebrate) (Eva)



Invertebrate identification (snorkelling) 1



Night dive (group A) 1


after dinner

Reef Check method (Substrate 1st part) (Eva)

3) Monday



Reef Check method (Substrate 2nd part) (Eva)




Substrate identification (snorkelling) 1




Coral Watch method (Massimo)



Inter-calibration dive1 & debriefing




Introduction to coral ID (Franco)



Night dive (group B) 1

4) Tuesday



1st & 2nd monitoring dives (Kinubuhutang garden & Kahuku)




Data entry (Massimo & Eva)

Coral ID (Franco)



after dinner

North Sulawesi biodiversity and ecology (Massimo & Eva)

5) Wednesday



3rd & 4th monitoring dives (Gangga Village & Jetty)




Data entry (Massimo)




Coral ID practical session group A (Franco)


after dinner

Monitoring programs, tourism impacts & coral diseases (Massimo)

6) Thursday



5th & 6th monitoring dives (Tanjung Husi II & Bisabora Timur)




Data entry




Coral ID practical session group B (Franco)




Reef Check exams (1st part)



Student workgroups

7) Friday



1st & 2nd Leisure dives



Mangrove exploration (snorkelling)




Reef Check exams (2nd part)



Beach party

8) Saturday



Student presentations

Awarding of diplomas, group picture






1 House reef at Coral Eye

Note: program can be changed according to weather conditions, leisure dives may be changed in monitoring dives if necessary to complete the program. The next plot shows the tide forecast for the area (m, datum mean low level water MLLW, local time UTC+8).

Safety first!

Recreational scuba diving and freediving requires good physical and mental health. There are a few medical conditions which can be hazardous while diving. Those who have, or are predisposed to, any of these conditions, should be evaluated by a physician. This Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire provides a basis to determine if you should seek out that evaluation. If you have any concerns about your diving fitness not represented on this form, consult with your physician before diving. If you are feeling ill, avoid diving. If you think you may have a contagious disease, protect yourself and others by not participating in dive training and/or dive activities.

Complete this questionnaire as a prerequisite

Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire
Adobe Acrobat Document 338.6 KB
Travel information for paricipants
Vademecum Indonesia 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 324.6 KB