2020 - Course on

Methods in tropical reefs monitoring

(9th Reef Check course at Bangka Island)

Bangka Island, north Sulawesi, Indonesia (date to be defined)

The course is suspended waiting news on the COVID-19 pandemic course


Reef check Italia onlus offers 5 grants to partially cover the accommodation costs to the most deserving undergraduate students and young (<28 yrs.) graduate biologists or naturalist on the basis of their CV, including diver qualifications and previous volunteer experiences.

1st place = € 800.00
2nd place = € 700.00
3rd place = € 600.00
4th place = € 500.00
5th place = € 400.00

The grants will be deducted from the cost of the full board accommodation and dives.


Grant acceptance has to be confirmed by the winners as soon as possible and in any case within the 22nd of June 2020, by sending all the required document (to postmaster@reefcheckitalia.it) and paying the non-refundable deposit fee of € 260,00 Reef Check Italia onlus either by PayPal (to postmaster@reefcheckitalia.it) or by bank transfer (to Reef Check Italia onlus, IBAN: IT08K0311113319000000010004 BIC/SWIFT: BLOPIT22).

If not confirmed within the due date, the grant will be assigned to the next persons scrolling through the list, increasing the grant of the following winners and adding further beneficiaries.

Documents and application forms

Grant application (by 31 May, 2020)

RCI Bangka 2020 Course announcement
RC Bangka 2020 - Course announcement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 672.5 KB
RCI Bangka 2020 Application Form
RC Bangka 2020 - Application form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 259.2 KB

Course application without grant

RC Bangka 2020 - Course announcement without scholarship
RC Bangka 2020 - Course announcement - n
Adobe Acrobat Document 664.9 KB
RC Bangka 2020 - Application form without scholarship
RC Bangka 2020 - Application form - no g
Adobe Acrobat Document 252.4 KB