Espèces recherchées
Taxa were selected by RCI scientists based on a combination of criteria including, being easily observable and identifiable underwater and one or more of the following: a Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) or a species protected under European directives or international conventions; sensitive to climate change; an ecosystem engineer; threatened by human activities or commercially exploited. Taken together, these taxa represent key aspects of Mediterranean subtidal habitats, and of the changes they may be undergoing. When it is not easy to discriminate between species, genus level was chosen, as in the case of the two protected Mediterranean seahorses.
Caulerpa cylindracea
Caulerpa taxifolia
Ircinia spp.
Axinella spp.
Aplysina spp.
Geodia cydonium
Tethya spp.
Corallium rubrum (red or precious coral)
Paramuricea clavata (red gorgonian)
Eunicella singularis
Eunicella cavolini (yellow gorgonian)
Eunicella verrucosa (pink sea fan)
Maasella edwardsii
Cornularia cornucopiae
Epizoanthus spp.
Parazoanthus axinellae (yellow cluster anemone)
Savalia savaglia (gold coral)
Cladocora caespitosa (pillow coral)
Astroides calycularis
Balanophyllia europaea
Leptopsammia pruvoti
Pinna nobilis (noble pen shell)
Arca noae (Noah's arch)
Chlamys spp.
Pecten jacobaeus (pilgrim's scallop)
Patella ferruginea (ribbed Mediterranean limpet)
Rapana venosa (veined whelk)
Palinurus elephas (spiny lobster)
Homarus gammarus (European lobster)
Scyllarides latus (Mediterranean slipper lobster)
Paracentrotus lividus (stony sea urchin)
Centrostephanus longispinus
Ophidiaster ophidianus
Microcosmus spp.
Aplidium conicum
Aplidium tabarquensis
Polycitor adriaticus
Sciaena umbra (brown meagre)
Diplodus spp.
Conger conger (conger eel)
Chromis chromis (damselfish)
Trisopterus minutus (poor cod)
Hippocampus spp. (sea horses)
... and gas bubbles!