Underwater Monitoring Protocol

WebGIS Map

Numerical and descriptive abundance classes used to record the abundance of the target species observed during the survey. Color scale used in the legend of the Web GIS application is reported.

Data collected according to the protocols:

Turicchia E, Ponti M, Rossi G, Milanese M, Di Camillo CG, Cerrano C (2021) The Reef Check Mediterranean Underwater Coastal Environment Monitoring protocol. Front Mar Sci 8 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.620368 (go to the protocol web page)

Public data repositories

Data collected by volunteers are public and fully compliant to the FAIR guiding principles. Please, be fair by giving appropriate credit to the Reef Check Mediterranean network.

Data are distributed under Creative Common attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which allows for free sharing and adaptation, giving appropriate credit to the Reef Check Mediterranean network.

Web GIS Last update: 23/04/2023

RCMed_2001_2021: Reef Check Med - key Mediterranean marine species 2001-2020

Ponti, M., Turicchia, E., Rossi, G., Cerrano, C., 2021. Reef Check Med - key Mediterranean marine species 2001-2020. Dataset maintained by Reef Check Italia onlus, EMODnet Biology data portal. https://doi.org/10.14284/468.

Data error reporting form

All EcoDivers and users are invited to carefully inspect data and reporting any possible errors.